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bonasera, 31 years old, Single Gay Man
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Last seen: 13 hours ago
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Interest In
- Single Gay Man
- Single Bi Man
- Gay Male Couple

Age Range
30 - 90

- Chat
- 1-on-1 Sex
- Group Sex
- Other Activities

Personal Profile
Sexual Role:Passive

Teslimiyetçi pasif

170/85/30 p'yim. Ücretsizim. Aktiflerin mesajını bekliyorum.

Profile Keywords

Sexual Activities
Anal, Groups, Master & Slave, Oral, Rimming, Role Play, Sauna/Bath Houses, Threesomes, Vanilla, Wanking, Wrestling

Types I Like
Bears, Bikers, Builders, Chubbies, Farmers, Firemen, Footballers, Labourers, Married Men, Military, Muscle Men, Older Men, Police, Truck Drivers

Body Hair, Cut, Feet, Fur, Lingerie, Underwear, Uniform

Languages I Speak
English, Turkish