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hakan811, 49 years old, Single Gay Man
Commercial ProfileCommercial Profile

Location: Ankara (Yenı Mah), Turkey
This is an explicit photo - you need to be registered and logged in to the website to view explicit content.This is an explicit photo - you need to be registered and logged in to the website to view explicit content.This is an explicit photo - you need to be registered and logged in to the website to view explicit content.This is an explicit photo - you need to be registered and logged in to the website to view explicit content.This is an explicit photo - you need to be registered and logged in to the website to view explicit content.
Interest In
- Single Gay Man
- Single Bi Man
- Gay Male Couple
- Bi Couple (M&F)
- Transvestite
- Transgender
- Crossdresser

Age Range
18 - 90

- Friendship
- Relationship
- 1-on-1 Sex

Personal Profile
Body Type:Average
Body Hair:Shaved
Sexual Role:Active/Versatile
YASAL GİZLİLİK POLİTİKASI: Bu profile konu olan her türlü video, fotoğraf, ses kaydı ve yazışmaların; yayıncının yazılı ve belgeli izni olmadan herhangi bir sitede, forumda veya muhtelif sosyal paylaşım sitelerinde; isim belirtilmeksizin bile olsa yayınlanması-paylaşılması durumunda; uluslararası kanunlar ve T.C. 26530 sayılı Resmi Gazete, 04.05.2007 tarihli 5651 nolu “İNTERNET ORTAMINDA YAPILAN YAYINLARIN DÜZENLENMESİ VE BU YAYINLAR YOLUYLA İŞLENEN SUÇLARLA MÜCADELE EDİLMESİ HAKKINDA KANUN” kanun bağlamında her türlü yasal hakkımın mahfuz olduğunu beyan ederim.

Profile Keywords

Sexual Activities
Anal, Naturist, Role Play, Sauna/Bath Houses

Types I Like
Farmers, Twinks